Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

On January 28th, we had an amazing time at the Corona Sunsets Festival in Punta Piedra, Concon, Chile. The festival was on the beach a few hours from Santiago just north of of the beautiful city of Vina del Mar.  In attendance was somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 people. The structures around the festival were made from recycled wooden pallets and was accented with decorations that gave it a tropical design. The structures included a tower that overlooked the festival and stadium style seating lounge with giant pillows. Two other long lounge spaces complete with bars spread out on both sides of the stage. The sound was amazing featuring Tropical House Music and the light show and fireworks at the end made the entire experience spectacular.

Check out the video of the final set with fireworks. I had to cut the video a little short cause my feet felt like dancing. I also included 3 panoramic pictures of the festival but you will have to scroll to the bottom.

Amazing Festival Staff!!

The Corona Sunsets Festival had staff that was inviting and friendly, several staff members were dedicated to greeting and explaining the different event areas. Some staff were placing metallic tattoos on the attendees. While other staff kept the grounds amazingly clean including the real bathrooms on semi trucks. I have never scene such a well organized and professional event.

Corona Sunsets Festival Cost

The ticket price was only 34,000 pesos which is about $50 USD. The entrance included 2 Free beers a Cocktail and a Meal!! Great bargain!

Round trip Bus tickets from Central Santiago to Vina del Mar was only $24

One night in a room with a 5 min walk to the beach on AirBNB $45. Our host Danilo was kind enough to pick us up at the bus station in Vina del Mar and even gave us a ride to and from the event. He even took us out for drinks and dancing after the festival. Danilo’s AirBnB rental can be found here.

Get Your $35 AirBNB Credit here!!

The Corona Sunsets Festival travels all over the world so check out the link below to see if it will be performing in a place that you would like to travel.

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
At sunset there was a live dance and drum performance. Great pic Daniela!

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Yes, we were some of the first to arrive. However, we were also among the last to leave.
Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Mi amiga Daniela and I on the tower.
Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Stadium style seating lounge with pillows.

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Drum circle jam session complete with a variety of instruments to try.

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Some of the many decorations that accented the festival.
Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Selfie before my hair gets messed up from dancing like a wild man.
Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Corona for popeye

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Corona para bellaza!
Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
More decorations

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
When there was a line at the bar we found this guy trying to hand beer out. No line ever. Shhh don’t tell the other people.

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
More pics of the sunset dancing and drum performance.

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Amazing stage and light show for such a small crowd

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Directions in case we get lost. Gringo Perdido!

Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Panoramic view from on top of the stadium style lounge. Courtesy of Daniela
Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Panoramic view of the festival from top of the tower
Corona Sunsets Festival Chile 2017
Panoramic view of the stage at night. Courtesy of Daniela
Cody Goul - Gringo Perdido