7 Headed Palm Tree Cachiche, Peru

7 Headed Palm Tree Cachiche Peru
7 Headed Palm Tree Cachiche, Peru

While traveling in Ica, Peru I took a short walk to check out the 7 Headed Palm Tree in Cachiche, Peru. Legend says that a witch predicted that when the 7th head of the palm tree grew, the village of Cachiche would be flooded. In 1998 it started to rain profusely and the town was certain to become flooded. The townspeople remembered the prophecy and rushed to see that the 7th head of the palm tree was growing. They quickly cut off the additional head of the irregular tree. The rain stopped and Cachiche was spared from the flooding that destroyed the surrounding areas. Now, the townspeople make sure the 7th head of the tree never grows.

The 7 headed palm trees shape is said to have been caused by all of the witchcraft and spells that were performed by the local “Brujas”.


7 Headed Palm Tree Cachiche Peru

7 Headed Palm Tree Cachiche Peru

7 Headed Palm Tree Cachiche Peru

7 Headed Palm Tree Cachiche Peru


Cody Goul - Gringo Perdido